ADA - Borderland Festival Policies

Aug 14, 2019 • Festival
ADA - Borderland Festival Policies

Borderland Festival


ADA parking will be located in the VIP parking lot. The VIP parking lot is on Knox Road and will be accessed by presenting the ADA placard. Anyone who wishes to park in ADA parking and needs extra assistance must present the ADA placard to the parking representative.

There will be an ADA shuttle stop located within the VIP parking area. Please look for the proper signage. If there is a not a shuttle available at the time of arrival, Borderland Staff will radio for a shuttle. (Please note the shuttle is a 6 person passenger golf cart). The ADA drop off and on site pick up is located next to the Information Booth on the festival grounds.

ADA Viewing

There will be a ADA viewing area at each main stage on the festival grounds. Please ask any Borderland staff for assistance if you cannot locate the area.

Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices

Borderland Festival (herein referred to as Borderland) recognizes that some individuals will use Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMD) based on personal need due to their disability. Borderland respects the rights of individuals with disabilities and the devices utilized to be mobile. Borderland reserves the right to deny access based on the safety of patrons. This is based on capacity of the grounds, high volume pedestrian traffic to include children and confined spaces where patrons travel throughout.

Use of the OPDMD may be temporarily prohibited in any or all parts of Borderland during times of highest/peak congestion.

Service Animal Policy

A service animal is defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.

Any animal whose task is to provide protection, emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship, is not considered service animal and will not be allowed onto the grounds.

If anyone gives any indication that this is also their pet, they will not be permitted onto the grounds.

All service animals must remain by the handler’s side at all times and must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective methods

If the animal, at any time during their presence on the grounds is not house-trained or acts up to include barking, biting, walking around or jumping on other patrons, security will direct removal of the animal.

A Festival Beyond Boundaries

September 12-14, 2025